10 easy ways to make working from home productive and fun

10 easy ways to make working from home productive and fun

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Business, Published On
May 7, 2022

With the covid-19 pandemic stuffing us back into the four walls of our living space, working from home has currently become the new normal for a lot of employees. While for a few of us, it has been a welcomed experience, there are a handful of others who practically detest the idea altogether. From missing out on the daily gossip to the few parties and celebrations, there is so much that they seem to miss out on by working from home.

While playing an Upside Down Escape Games game with your co-workers can be one of the many ways to have some fun, there are other ways, too, that can brighten up your work experience! Truth be told, the WFH model can actually be a delightful experience, provided you know how to make it so.

10 easy ways to make working from home productive and fun

10 easy ways to make working from home productive and fun

Thus, through this article, we hope to bring you 10 easy and helpful ways to make this process easier, more productive, and fun at the same time!

  • Take ample care of your body!

Think of the days when you had to rush to your office every morning and come back home late at night, dragging your dreary body to bed at last. But with working from home, taking care of yourself is possible. This, however, doesn’t imply that you have to invest in an entire home-office setup. Instead, there are a few small things that you can do.

Greater flexibility and ease in changing your positions is probably the greatest advantage that working from home offers you. From sitting on your couch or standing at your kitchen counter, there is a wide variety of positions opening up to you at home. It thus also helps you in paying attention to your movements, rather than doing all your work by sitting in one place.

  • Utilize your commutation time to relax or have fun!

By working from home, you no longer have to spend all those hours waiting for the bus or metro to arrive. You can thus utilize your commutation time in a variety of ways. You can chalk out that time from your daily working hours and use it as a period to relax a bit.

Being an adult, you might hardly have enough time to do things that you want to. So now, you can utilize this time in whichever way you wish to. From reading your favorite novel to indulging in some skincare routine, there are endless ways!

  • Do not mix up your time with your work

Once your daily working hours are done and dusted, make sure you completely shut down your work for the day. No matter how much your workaholic self triggers you to check those email notifications, make sure you don’t. Stick to your regular work hours and thus make way for some personal time.

Being too much indulgent in your work can unnecessarily increase stress. It is only by keeping your time away from your work that you can be far more productive at work.

  • Set up a few work-from-home rules

Make sure to make your family members or roommate(s) aware of your work timings. It will help you avoid being disturbed by them while you are trying to concentrate on your work.

Deciding upon a few basic rules can help you avoid any commotion that might have otherwise sprung up. Furthermore, while taking up any private/sensitive calls from work, make sure to use your headphones to have the much-needed privacy you desire.

  • Communicate with your team well

Communication might often falter when you work remotely. You can use any suitable platform like Google Hangouts or WhatsApp to keep in touch with your entire team, even as you work from home.

Without proper communication, things can easily get disarrayed. So, make sure to communicate with your entire team efficiently. Informal chat groups can also be beneficial at this point to help co-workers check up on each other’s work diligently.

  • Planning can be fruitful

Smart planning is the key to getting all your work done on time, even as employees continue to work remotely. Organizing and planning all the work ahead of time can help your team of employees to push up their productivity too!

Planning will help you know what requires a greater priority and will thus help you align your work schedule accordingly. Thus, once your work is organized and planned properly, you can remain much more stress-free than earlier.

  • Taking breaks in between your work

Tediously working for long hours at a stretch every day is not a healthy plan for anyone. For your mental and physical well-being by visiting escape rooms, you must take at least a few minutes off from your work. While you take these few breaks, make sure to get up from your work posture.

There are various ways to utilize your work break, from doing a little yoga to listening to some music. However, no matter what you do, make sure that this break doesn’t end up being a part of your work all over again. Ensure that during this break, you are relaxing and allowing your mind to freshen up.

  • Add a touch of nature to your workspace.

Greenery is that one thing that is slowly disappearing from the face of the earth. Now, if you are someone who loves plants, then here is what you can do to utilize your interest and make your workspace more joyful than before:

There is a wide range of indoor plants that you can easily buy from the market today. So, buy a couple of such potted plants and use them to refurbish your workspace at home. Notice how adding a few plants to your workspace can lighten up the mood seamlessly!

  • Don’t forget your regular cleaning sessions!

Get this one straight in your head: You cannot expect your mind to concentrate in an unkempt and unclean workspace. Having a clean space to work will help your mind to stay focused on the work at hand. It will enable you to be positively motivated and remain far more productive, in contrast to working in a dirty environment.

Studies reveal how a greater amount of procrastination tends to take place when people work in an unclean environment. So, no matter how tight your work schedule might be, squeeze out some time every day to clean your home and keep the space pleasant.

  • Allow your workspace to be playful

While your workspace at the office might have a dull and gloomy environment, working from home however offers you greater flexibility. You can now design and refurbish your workplace to give it a fun and playful vibe.

From adding in a few playful home décors to even adding googly eyes to your stapler and making it cute, there are so many ways to make your workspace playful. Remember that it is by making your workspace not dull and gloomy but rather welcoming and playful that you can increase your productivity at work!

We hope that reading this article might have helped you realize how easily you can turn your home office into a far more productive and fun area today! Try out some of these tips to see how effective they are.

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