How To Create An Assignment In Google Classroom?

How To Create An Assignment In Google Classroom?

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Education, Published On
June 4, 2022

In order to keep pace with this rapidly developing technological world, education systems have to be upgraded. Although several countries existed, which started encouraging online education systems quite a while ago, the remaining world embraces the virtual model of education day by day.

Considering the growth of virtual education, Google has presented a Google classroom for both teachers and students. Google Classroom works as a digital system that allows the teachers to use the cloud and helps in managing regular classes. If you are in the profession of teaching, you are already aware of the likes and dislikes of the students.

Students love to have assignments during their academic careers, and as a teacher, you should be well aware of the managing techniques of assignments on this platform. When you provide the assignments link, an email of the notification is sent to the students. Then they work on the assignment and submit it within the due date. The tricky thing is that students cannot get access after submission, so they cannot customise it again.

Experts from assignment services have jolted the steps described that will help you if you do not know much about using Google classroom for assignment purposes.

  • You have to log in first to your class. After that, click on the ‘Stream tab’. If the tab is already shown, you need not click again.
  • Click on the ‘Assignment’.
  • After clicking on the assignment, you have to put the title of the assignment and a description that is optional. Then, for the instructions related to the assignment, you can you the description area.
  • We are proceeding to the due date. If you want to change the due date, simply click on it.
  • If you want to specify the submission time for the students, you have to press the Add Time option to update the exact period within which the students are bound to submit the assignment.

Furthermore, to add extra materials to your assignment, you must click on the proper icon. The descriptions are given below.

  • Paperclip:

With the help of this option, you can add a file to your assignment. You are allowed to use your hard drive for uploading the file that will ultimately be stored on your Google drive.

  • YouTube play button:

If you think visual learning allows students to understand topics more efficiently, you can use this option. The function of this option is to enable you to attach a YouTube video to your assignment. When you click this option, you can search any video on YouTube, or you can also copy the URL of the video and paste it. On searching for a video, YouTube displays its results in the same window. You can glimpse the video right there, which aids you to stick to the window rather than pondering on the YouTube site.

  • Google Drive:

The ‘Google Drive’ option also enables you to add a file to your assignment, but this time you are led to your Google Drive for searching the specific file.

  • Link:

A chain-link button is provided through this Link option, where you are permitted to paste any external URL to your assignment.

When you upload a file or document from Google Drive, you might think about its privacy. Do not worry about it, as you can customise the permissions yourself. Students are only allowed to use the uploaded document following your granted permissions. You need to click the drop-down list to permit the students for the following functions.

  • View only:

If you do not want your students to change the provided file anyhow, you should select this option. The ‘View only’ option only gives the reading access to the students without changing it a bit. Teachers popularly use this option for reference materials.

  • Edit:

The edit option accepts every student to change the given document. This option is used when the assignment is a group assignment and students are expected to work in a team.

  • Make a copy for every student:

This option is for those teachers who want to provide every student with an individual and different assignment. With this option, students get access to making changes and submitting the assignment individually. This enhances a student’s creativity. In addition, this option is widely used for quintessential homework assignments where each student is considered responsible for his work.

The Bottom Line

When the teacher makes the assignment, each student gets an auto-generated email regarding the assignment. You can have a look at this assignment on the Stream page and keep an eye on the successful submission of assignments.  The instructions on How to create an assignment in Google Classroom have been covered completely in this article. We hope that you have gained some useful information from this blog post. If this is the case, please forward this article to your friends so that they may learn how to create an assignment in Google Classroom.

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