PPC Audit Checklist – 8 Steps to improve your campaigns

PPC Audit Checklist – 8 Steps to improve your campaigns

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Marketing, Published On
January 13, 2022

PPC or pay-per-click is one of the best digital marketing techniques. It is one of the most powerful methods that can generate a good amount of revenue for your business.

PPC was a tough job to handle in the past, but today it has become easier and simpler to manage. Nowadays, it is an essential part of digital marketing.

However, PPC campaigns require regular tweaking to ensure you are doing everything right. The PPC audit checklist will help you understand how your campaigns work, where you could be improving, and even what kind of traffic you are generating.

What is a PPC audit checklist?

A PPC audit is the process of checking the performance of your PPC campaign. It can be done either manually or automatically.

Why do we need an effective PPC audit?

You must have heard a lot about PPC audits but still not sure why you need to do one? Here is why you need to do a PPC audit checklist.

First, you need to understand that a PPC campaign is one of the most important and strategic campaigns you will run. Because it is the only way through which you can convert traffic into sales.

And, if you are not able to do this conversion, it will be challenging to get a good ROI for your PPC campaign. You will never get a positive ROI if you don’t convert your traffic into sales. So, it is necessary to check the performance of your PPC campaign to make sure that you are getting the maximum value out of your PPC campaign.

PPC Audit Checklist – 8 Steps to improve your campaigns

PPC Audit Checklist

So, these are the reasons why you need to perform an effective PPC audit.

  • Analyze Conversion

One great way to determine the value of your PPC campaigns is to analyze conversion rates. Conversion is a fancy word for how many people are interested in the information you provide.

You can also determine the cost per conversion by deciding how much it cost you to attract the visitors in the first place and how much it costs you to keep them on the site once they’ve landed.

You can even calculate the overall lifetime value of your targets (the cost of attracting and retaining them) and your PPC campaigns’ overall return on investment.

  • Check target settings

Target settings are one of the most important things to analyze your PPC campaigns’ performance. If you don’t set your targeting appropriately, you will have trouble getting the desired results.

  • Analyze keywords

You must also have keywords in mind when you are designing your PPC campaign. The way that you set up your keywords will determine how you can effectively convert traffic into sales.

  • Review your metrics and landing page

You should be monitoring your campaign performance regularly, which means that you should review your campaign metrics monthly. This way, you can make sure that you are setting up your PPC campaign is working for you.

You should also review your landing page content regularly. Ensure that you have an offer that people are interested in and that the content is engaging enough to keep them coming back for more.

Ilmibook says also, remember that it is important to set up a landing page for each of your PPC keywords. This will allow you to easily see your keywords’ conversion rates and determine which one is working best for you.

  • Audit your negative key list

Negative keywords are keywords that you exclude from your campaign. The way that you use these keywords is significant. You want to make sure that your campaign is not negatively affecting your ROI by excluding the right people. You can make use of negative keywords to easily get a better understanding of how your PPC campaign is performing.

  • Check your AD extension

One of the most common mistakes that advertisers make is using the wrong ad extension. If you are setting up your PPC campaign to attract your target customers, you should be using relevant ads.

  • Track your PPC campaigns over time

You need to track your campaigns if you want to see how well you’re PPC campaigns are doing over time. This way, you can see which keywords are performing best and which ones are not. You can use the data that you collect from these PPC campaigns to improve your overall PPC strategy.

  • Check conversion rates

Your conversion rate is one of the most important metrics when it comes to PPC. It is easy to get discouraged if you are not getting a high enough conversion rate. The more people who are converting into sales, the better your ROI will be. According to Certification Globe you can do a lot to boost the conversion rate of your PPC campaign, such as optimizing your landing page content, setting up your targeting appropriately, and using negative keywords.

  • Track clicks

PPC Audit Checklist

In addition to tracking your conversion rates, you should also be monitoring the number of clicks on your ads. This will let you know what people are clicking on and how much they’re paying per click. This data will help you decide if you should change your PPC strategy or if you’re on the right track.

  • Review the budget

The budget you set for your PPC campaign is one of the most critical factors in determining whether or not you will succeed. You want to make sure that you don’t spend too much money, as that could potentially be a waste of your time. You want to make sure that you have enough budget to support the level of conversions that you want to get, but you don’t want to overspend.

Also, make sure that you are not using too little money. You want to make sure that you are getting the most bang for your buck, which can be challenging when trying to achieve high conversion rates. It is essential to monitor the number of conversions you get with each dollar amount you spend.


The last thing you want to do when setting up a PPC campaign is to make mistakes. This can be very costly and could ultimately hurt your business. Make sure that you are using the correct extensions, targeting the right keywords, and monitoring your PPC campaign over time so that you can make the most out of it.

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